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What’s the Difference Between a Family Dentist and a General Dentist?

February 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 6:27 pm
family of four smiling in forest

If you’re a parent, odds are you’re incredibly busy. Between driving your kids to soccer practice, school, and their friends’ houses, you hardly have any time for yourself. One way to help you save a little bit of time is by seeing a family dentist in Goodlettsville. While you might think that a general dentist is the same thing as a family practice, there are a few differences between the two. Let’s talk about these differences and why you should choose a family dentist.


4 Reasons To Improve Your Smile In 2020 and How a Cosmetic Dentist Can Help

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — goodlettsville @ 11:45 am
Woman with brown hair having a consultation with a cosmetic dentist

Modern life is busier than ever, and it’s easy to put the needs of your family or job before your own. But when you invest in feeling good about yourself, that one positive change has a “ripple effect” that enhances every area of your life. And if you’ve always wanted to improve the appearance of your teeth, 2020 is a great time to do it. Regardless of the type of flaws you’re trying to correct, a cosmetic dentist can help! Keep reading to learn about 4 great reasons to make yourself a priority in the new year and how enhancing your smile has the power to change your life. 

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